Can You Get Arrested in Florida for Smoking Marijuana in Public?

Can You Get Arrested in Florida for Smoking Marijuana in Public?

If a defaulter is caught with marijuana or smoking pot in public in Florida, he/she is considered to have committed a crime. Such a person will be made by law to pay a fine of $1,000 or serve a one-year jail term. However, the above situation is seen at the state level, it does not operate at the county level.

The county commissioners in Miami voted to remove any type of jail term for the possession of marijuana as long as it is under 20 grams. The county commissioners of Miami instead simply reduced the fine of possession under 20 grams to $100. If you do not have the cash, then you would most likely have to commit to community service.

The Decriminalization of Marijuana

Decriminalization is the act of decriminalizing certain crimes. There are many cities in the United States that have started to remove criminal penalties for people who are caught in the possession of marijuana. The states that have decriminalized marijuana are states that have yet to become fully marijuana friendly. However, decriminalization is usually a good sign that the state will become legal soon. Decriminalization is better than being a fully zero tolerance state. States like Alabama,Idaho and Kansas are fully illegal states meaning they do not allow medical marijuana or recreational marijuna.

There are many states that are fully legal and the number of them has risen in the past few years. Originally It was only Colorado, California and Oregon. Now Michigan, Illinois, Maine and few others have moved from just being states where marijuana was decriminalized to being fully legal states.
Florida is a state that is on a path toward marijuana reform. It may seem like a slow, long process but it is getting there because it is a state that has at least legalized medical marijuana.

The last time Florida attempted to reform the laws that were against recreational marijuana it was a huge fail. The polls unfortunately failed to gather over 50% of votes, which is upsetting and means that people are not getting out there to vote on this important issue.

There is reason to be hopeful for Florida becoming a legal state. Many people are seriously working hard to win over the ballot. It is a fight that is sure to be valiant when the time is right for Florida.

Florida’s Most Progressive City

Miami has quickly become the most progressive city in Florida. It is progressive in the way that it has made strides towards legalizing marijuana in Florida and here are some of the ways they have done that.

  • Medical marijuana use is legal
  • Recreational use of marijuana is illegal. However, the Miami–Dade state attorney's office made it policy to not prosecute those who only posses a small amount of marijuana
  • Smoking marijuana on Miami Beach is a felony.
  • Smoking marijuana in a public park is illegal
  • It is prohibited by law to posses anything more than 20 grams of marijuana

While the rules are still pretty strict they are definitely more progressive than many cities in Florida. The Miami rules and regulations should be seen as good news for citizens of Florida because it is such a big city hopefully other cities will follow suit and decriminalize some of the marijuana laws.

Final thoughts

If you are caught in the possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana in Florida you can almost guarantee you will be arrested. However, if you are in the possession of 20 grams or less in Miami you might get off scott free with a nice little fine. If you want my honest opinion do not openly smoke marijuana in public in Florida, unless of course you have a medical marijuana card and even then there are rules and regulations that must be followed.

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