Cannabis-Related Business Ideas

Cannabis-Related Business Ideas

The cannabis industry is and has been booming and now there are more ways than ever to be involved and benefit from cannabis. With the legalities surrounding marijuana loosening up (more states are legalizing marijuana), opportunities are plentiful. You might not even like to consume cannabis and instead you are just looking to make some sustainable cash. Below I am going to go into detail on some of the many ways you can make money from the cannabis industry. As a reminder, most of these business related ideas can only be done if you live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal. However, some do not require you to be in physical contact with marijuana and there for it does not matter what state you live in.

Cannabis Public Relations Firm

The cannabis industry is quite a unique industry and a unique industry needs people who can accurately represent it. That is where cannabis PR firms come in. A lot of companies, shops and individual sellers are looking for someone that understands the cannabis landscape. These people want to successfully build their brands and they want to make money. Of course there are limitations to what you can do as a PR for cannabis in terms of advertising because it is not legal in all states. The PR field for cannabis is also highly competitive because it is such a sought after position.

Cannabis Related Product Retailing

Dispensaries more than likely are also selling bongs, bowls and other cannabis related products. They need somebody who can produce those products. Creating and selling bongs, bowls, etc. is an art. Most of these products are made out of glass and handmade. So, actually this could be two business ideas mixed into one. You could be the artist making the beautiful bowls, bongs, etc. and you can be the one either selling it to dispensaries or selling to individual consumers all on on your own.

Another way you could be a cannabis retailer is actually working at a dispensary. A lot of dispensaries require you to have a medical card to work for them but some of them do not. The places that do not require a medical card are usually places that reside in states where marijuana is legal. If you live in a state where marijuana is legal some just require you to either be over 18 or over 21. A retailer selling cannabis is usually called a bud-tender (see what they did there?). It is a great job that pays well and you can move up in the job as well. It is highly competitive to work at a dispensary but totally worth it once your are in.

Cannabis Bed And Breakfast

A cannabis bed and breakfast, just like a regular bed and breakfast except for the relaxed and comfortable amount of pot consumption. A lot of people and or couples choose not to consume marijuana in a house where their kids, parents, significant others, etc. also reside. They need a safe place to go and get their complete fix. That is where the cannabis bed and breakfast comes in. It would be geared towards individuals that do not get the chance to consume marijuana in the comforts of their homes. The bed and breakfast could also be perfect for anyone looking for a nice weekend getaway.

A weed bed and breakfast would do especially well in a state where marijuana is legalized. You could even provide cannabis infused breakfast treats. The cannabis infused breakfast possibilities are truly endless.

Cannabis Painting Classes

There are paint and pour classes, how about a paint and cannabis class? The cannabis and paint class could be especially helpful to medical marijuana patients. Painting has proven time and time again to be a great way for people to express themselves and stimulate the mind. Add some marijuana and it is sure to be a huge attraction for people everywhere.

Development of Websites and Apps

If you are looking to have no actual physical contact with marijuana a great way to still benefit from the booming industry is through website and app design. You could help a cannabis company or an individual seller to design a website or app. This is closely related to PR work except for you do not have to advertise for them you would just have to create the website or app for them. This is a great way to get creative and show off your incredible web/graphic design skills without having to work with actual marijuana.

Article and Blog Writing

Similar to website and app design, blog and article writing can be another profitable revenue in the marijuana business that does not require physical contact with weed. A little research and great writing skills can go a long way. Keep and eye out for companies looking to add content to their websites. Showing that you are a talented, enthused writer is a great way to work with a company or companies. It will also open the door to recurring opportunities with those companies.

Child-Resistant Containers

Since the law prohibits cannabis consumption for those who are under the age of 18, invariably, cannabis and its related products should be kept away from the under-aged. The need to design and distribute child-resistant user friendly containers is must.

Why not be the person that creates them? The demand for them is high as many cannabis consumers are also parents. The coolest part about this is business idea is that there are not a lot of companies that strictly sell child resistant containers ou there. You could be one of the first and that can only mean good things for you.

Cannabis Yoga Session

Undoubtedly, Yoga sessions are currently in high demand. I also happen to know that cannabis and yoga go perfectly together. I would recommend offering an indica strain. The reason I recommend offering indica is because indica strains are known to relax the mind and body. Yoga is also meant to relax the mind and body. It truly is the perfect match and an even better business opportunity!

Making Cannabis Edibles

Marijuana edibles remain a very popular way of consuming cannabis for most people. Like I mentioned earlier with the bed and breakfast idea, there is literally no limit to what you can turn into an edible.I have seen everything under the sun from cannabis kool aid to cannabis infused steak and plenty of wild thing in between. Most edibles are made with either weed butter or weed oil. Making edibles can be very inexpensive and you can get super creative with it.

For people who do not like to inhale smoke do to health reasons or other personal reasons, edibles can be a great alternative.

Cannabis Cosmetics

Cannabis infused cosmetics could be a huge revenue for you, especially if you are the owner of the company. The CBD found in marijuana has proven to be good for the skin and also contains healing properties. The possibilities are endless, you could produce anything from cannabis infused lipgloss to cannabis infused face masks.

CBD Pet Treats

Are you an animal lover? Have you ever thought that pets could safely consume CBD infused treats? Guess what, they can and they are becoming very popular. These CBD treats are becoming very popular for senior pets and pets with disabilities. The results of owners giving these types of treats to their pets are overwhelmingly incredible. Pet owners have described CBD treats to be life changing for their pets.

Do some research and find out how you can make pet friendly treats. It will be just as rewarding to the pets as it is to you.

Selling an Indoor Incubator

The importance of selling an indoor incubator is to open up the possibilities for marijuana caregivers/growers to grow marijuana all year despite the weather conditions. There are some skills you need to have before you can start making incubators. So of course if you have the skills to make them have at it. This can be a very profitable business.

Final Thought

There are many profitable ways to create a business in the cannabis industry and the examples I have given are just a few of them. You can be successful in the the cannabis industry without ever having to even physically see it, and you can still reap the cannabis benefits. Get involved now before the industry is oversaturated and there is little to no opportunity to make it. Pave your own way, be an inventor and an innovator. This this the time to get creative, especially in places where recreational marijuana is legal.

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